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  • Say No

    Say No

  • How to accept a job offer

    How to accept a job offer

    Thank you so much for this opportunity!I look forward to working with you and meeting the rest of the team.I’m excited to geek out with you guys on all the great work we can do. See also:

  • How to ask for feedback

    How to ask for feedback

    “To become more effective and fulfilled at work, people need a keen understanding of their impact on others and the extent to which they achieve their goals in their working relationships. Direct feedback is the most efficient way for them to gather this information and learn from it.”– Ed Batista “Criticism may not be agreeable,…

  • How to ask for participation in a survey

    How to ask for participation in a survey

    Talking Points Email – Encourage Customers to Participate (Personal Reach-out) 👋🏼 Dear <NAME>, I’m writing to encourage you to participate in our latest Customer Experience Survey. You received an invitation to participate in our survey on <DATE>, and it would mean the world to us if you took five minutes to provide your feedback. We…

  • How to disagree (respectfully) with your boss’s feedback

    How to disagree (respectfully) with your boss’s feedback

    One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is not to automatically accept everyone’s feedback. People will always have opinions and unsolicited feedback to share with you. Even with all the best intentions in the world, someone can lack the context or expertise to give you good advice. You would be surprised how many…

  • How to give feedback

    How to give feedback

    Use this guide whenever you need to give feedback to someone. The performance reviews list below is a great source of inspiration for highlighting performance and personality specifics. “Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.” – Frank A. Clark Start Here See also: Talking Points Sources:…

  • How to thank someone for their time

    How to thank someone for their time

    “Thank you so much for your time earlier today.” “I know you’re extremely busy, and I truly appreciate you sharing your time and perspective with me.” “I am so grateful for your time.” Talking Points Name Tags Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could…

  • How to thank someone for being there

    How to thank someone for being there

    Name Tags Multi-select Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could ask for! Compliment Quirky Friend Have a drink on me. Quirky General How did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful you choose to be with me. Love Partner How did you become so…

  • How to thank someone for a service or kindness

    How to thank someone for a service or kindness

    Start Here Talking Points A Big Freaking List of “Thank You”s Name Tags Multi-select Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could ask for! Compliment Quirky Friend Have a drink on me. Quirky General How did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful you choose…

  • How to thank someone for a recommendation

    How to thank someone for a recommendation

    Always be sure to thank someone if they give you a recommendation. It’s an extremely lovely thing to do as they are putting their name and personal brand on the line for your benefit. All the risk is theirs, and all the benefit is yours. If you have any “home training” at all, you’ll remember…

  • How to thank someone for a donation

    How to thank someone for a donation

    “Thank you for your generous gift.” “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” — Barbara De Angelis Congratulations! You find yourself in the enviable position of thanking someone for giving you (or something you care about) money. That’s pretty…

  • How to thank someone

    How to thank someone

    See also: “[He was aware] of the value of the word of praise dropped at exactly the right moment; and he would have thought himself extremely stupid to withhold what cost him so little and was productive of such desirable results.” ― Georgette Heyer, Sylvester“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by…

  • Love


  • How to say I love you (partner)

    How to say I love you (partner)

    You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how. — Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.— The White Company by Arthur Conan Doyle When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides.…

  • How to confess your love

    How to confess your love

    “I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone forever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even…

  • How to recommend someone you don’t like or respect

    How to recommend someone you don’t like or respect

    Use this messaging if you find yourself in a position where someone you don’t like/respect is asking you to give them a recommendation. You can also use this guide if someone asks you about someone you don’t like. Here’s how to navigate those tricky scenarios. Start Here YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO GIVE ANYONE A…

  • How to recommend someone you don’t know 

    How to recommend someone you don’t know 

    “I must refer you to himself for his character.” See also: Benjamin Franklin wrote the following recommendation from France for an acquaintance about to sail to America. Benjamin Franklin wrote the following recommendation from France for an acquaintance about to sail to America. Benjamin Franklin’s Letter of Recommendation Paris, April 2, 1777 Sir The Bearer…

  • How to make someone feel awkward about religion

    How to make someone feel awkward about religion

    From “Lifemanship: Or the Art of Getting Away With It Without Being An Absolute Plonk,” by Stephen Potter, 1950 Elsa: Are you coming to church with us?Moulton: Yes, why don’t you come to church for once, you old sinner? It is a little country church, and my host, Moulton, who has some claims to be…

  • How to make an ass of yourself

    How to make an ass of yourself

    “But masters, remember that I am an ass: though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass.” — Dogberry in Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare Start Here Talking Points Different ways to say “I’m an ass” Name It’s not my place but… I probably shouldn’t say anything but……

  • How to talk like a Southerner

    How to talk like a Southerner

    “Hey! I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays! How have you been?”“Lord, child, if I told you how I’ve been you’d smack the undertaker for sending me back.”“Sounds like you haven’t been sure whether you should scratch your watch or wind your butt. Some things never change.”“I tell you what, the only things…

  • Stuck at home? I got you, boo

    Stuck at home? I got you, boo

    Are you stuck at home for any of the following reasons? Feel better. Take care. There there. Take cover. Do the right thing. Aim for the head. Keep warm. Rest up. Hang in there. Save up. Breathe. Whatever the reason for your confinement, dear heart, we’ve got you covered with this mega list of things…

  • How to announce you’re leaving a job

    How to announce you’re leaving a job

    Start Here 📢 We ALLLL daydream about that Jerry Maguire moment when we finally get to tell our boss where to go, hop onto the nearest desk, and scream at your colleagues: “WHOSE WITH ME??!!” But back here in the real world, it’s never a good idea to leave on bad terms (no matter how…

  • How to resign

    How to resign

    When to know it’s time to resign Letter Example 🖊️ Dear <Name>, Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as <title> at <company>. My last day will be <date>. Thank you for the opportunities for growth that you have provided me. I wish you and the company all…

  • How to call in sick

    How to call in sick

    Start Here Talking Points Excerpt from A Guide to Calling in Sick, US News: What Your Boss Is Allowed to Ask Your boss’s natural reaction may be to ask what is wrong, but you are under no obligation to provide details of your illness. Many times, employers ask partly out of concern for your well-being…

  • Official Guide for Fighting with Your Partner

    Official Guide for Fighting with Your Partner

    See also Start Here Fighting Rules 💡 Pro-tip: Instead of saying, “you did x,” try “the story I’m telling myself is…” This is an effective way to avoid putting words and thoughts into your partner’s head. Further Reading

  • How to turn down a request to do free work

    How to turn down a request to do free work

    Your Aunt Carletta: Would you mind writing my book for me since you do that for a living and you’re good at that kind of stuff?You: No. Start Here Talking Points

  • How to turn down a date

    How to turn down a date

    “I’d rather be aware of the ugly truth than have somebody be with me out of pity.” — Reddit User on r/DatingAdvice“Every broken heart has screamed at one time or another: Why can’t you see who I truly am?” ― Shannon L. Alder“Better to put your heart on the line, risk everything, and walk away…

  • How to thank someone for a gift

    How to thank someone for a gift

    Name Tags Multi-select Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could ask for! ComplimentQuirky Friend Have a drink on me. Quirky General How did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful you choose to be with me. Love Partner How did you become so wise?…

  • How to tell someone you are angry

    How to tell someone you are angry

    “I’m upset right now and need a minute to calm down.”“I love you, but I’m angry with you right now.” See also Start Here Talking Points – I’m Mad Talking Points – I Need Space/Time to Think Further Reading

  • How to tell someone they will not be your Bridesmaid, Groomsman, Maid of Honor or Best Man

    How to tell someone they will not be your Bridesmaid, Groomsman, Maid of Honor or Best Man

    Start Here ⚠️ This interaction should be done in person for the best results. Talking Points Common reasons/explanations Someone Else to Fill the Role Small Wedding No Maid of Honor/Best Man/Bridesmaids She is Going to Be Pregnant and You Don’t Want Her Belly in Your Wedding Photos 🤰🏽Dude. Listen, you shouldn’t bring up her pregnancy.…

  • How to set boundaries with a partner

    How to set boundaries with a partner

    “You’ve got to tell the world how to treat you. If the world tells you how you are going to be treated, you are in trouble.” — James Baldwin See also Start Here Talking Points Boundary-Drawing Statements Name Tags <X> is a strong boundary that I’m not comfortable crossing, but <Y> is is something I…

  • How to respond to gaslighting

    How to respond to gaslighting

    “Maybe that’s what you heard in your head, but it’s not what I said.”“You’re too sensitive.”“It’s not a big deal.” See also Start Here What does gaslighting feel like? (Source: The Psychology Group) What does gaslighting sound like? (Source: The Psychology Group) Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to request an interview

    How to request an interview

    Follow-Up Email to a Contact

  • How to reject a customer’s feature request

    How to reject a customer’s feature request

  • How to give someone a backhanded compliment

    How to give someone a backhanded compliment

    Backhanded Compliment – A compliment that implies it is not really a compliment at all. See also: Backhanded compliments sources: The Typeset A List of Backhanded Compliments Backhanded Compliment You look so much nicer than usual! You look comfortable. Oh what a lovely sweater. My grandma has one just like it. You’re so lucky you’re…

  • How to encourage someone to answer your question instead of saying, “I don’t know”

    How to encourage someone to answer your question instead of saying, “I don’t know”

    There are times in confrontations and confessions when the other person is unwilling to acknowledge an obvious truth. Some things are hard to say aloud. These talking points are not designed to interrogate or manipulate, they are designed to create a safe environment for everyone to be able to accept and be their full selves…

  • How to decline a request for money

    How to decline a request for money

    “Can you loan me a hundred bucks?”“I’m really struggling financially. You’ve always been there for me. Can you give me enough to cover my rent?”“Is there any way you could spot me some cash? I don’t need much.”“My kid only needs a few more orders for her scout competition…” Very few things in life are…

  • How to complain to your waiter

    How to complain to your waiter

    “I’m afraid to tell you…”“I know this isn’t your fault, but…”“I’m sorry to say this but I was not satisfied with the veal. It was undercooked.” See also: Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to call someone out respectfully

    How to call someone out respectfully

    Start Here See also: Talking Points I wanted to take the time to reply to your email thoughtfully and with care as I know your heart and intentions are good. Many wonderful friends have loved me enough to coach me on tricky topics (like <topic>) so that I can see new perspectives and represent myself…

  • How to break up with your friend

    How to break up with your friend

    See also Start Here Talking Points Further Reading I recommend reading Dr. Falconer’s book on this topic. I don’t agree with everything she suggests, but I think she covers many essential points for anyone who finds themselves in this situation: How to Break Up with Your Friends: Finding Meaning, Connection, and Boundaries in Modern Friendships…

  • How to break up with someone

    How to break up with someone

    Example Breakup Text – Before it’s Serious Example Breakup Text – Before it’s Serious Breakup After it Got Serious Further Reading

  • How to ask your partner for couple’s therapy

    How to ask your partner for couple’s therapy

    “Behind every great relationship are difficult and uncomfortable conversations we rarely get to see. Great relationships don’t just fall into our laps. They require people to move through their fears and insecurities and do the hard work to move wounds into healing.” — Vienna Pharaon, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist See also Start Here Talking…

  • How to ask someone to stop talking about politics or religion around you

    How to ask someone to stop talking about politics or religion around you

    Countless holidays and relationships have been ruined over disregarded boundaries and the inability to express what we all want at the end of the day: harmony. See also Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to ask someone about suspicious behavior without accusing them of it

    How to ask someone about suspicious behavior without accusing them of it

    See also Start Here Talking Points

  • How to ask for the return of an object (loaned)

    How to ask for the return of an object (loaned)

    See also Talking Points

  • How to ask for the return of an object (intentionally taken)

    How to ask for the return of an object (intentionally taken)

    👉 Tips: Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to ask for space

    How to ask for space

    Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to ask for a divorce

    How to ask for a divorce

    “This isn’t working for me anymore.”“I’m unhappy.”“It’s time we fight for our happiness.” Start Here Talking Points What to Discuss After the Initial Divorce Conversation After initially speaking with your spouse, you should plan on later discussing: Source: Love to Know Further Reading

  • Comfort


    A Big Freaking List of Comforting Statements Name Tags I see how upset you are, and I’m sorry to see you struggle. Acknowledgment You have every right to feel the way you do. Acknowledgment I can’t imagine how you must feel. Acknowledgment It’s okay to be sad. Acknowledgment Everything you feel is totally understandable. Acknowledgment…

  • How to respond when you think someone is overreacting

    How to respond when you think someone is overreacting

    “Help me understand…” Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to offer comfort/give sympathy

    How to offer comfort/give sympathy

    Acknowledgment is the essential step in giving comfort. Here’s a Golden Rule of communications: “They won’t care about what you know until they know you care.” Start Here ⚠️ Important note: The FIRST step in comforting someone is listening. After letting them share their perspective, then you acknowledge their pain. Talking Points A Big Freaking…

  • How to give sympathy for the loss of a pet

    How to give sympathy for the loss of a pet

    “Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our own lives.” – John Galsworthy Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to give sympathy for the loss of a partner

    How to give sympathy for the loss of a partner

    I’m so sorry that you and your loved one have been parted. Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to give sympathy for the loss of a parent

    “The death of any loved parent is an incalcuable lasting blow because no one ever loves you again like that.” — Brenda Ueland “If there is any immortality to be had among us human beings, it is certainly only in the love that we leave behind. Fathers like mine don’t ever die.” — Leo Buscaglia…

  • How to give sympathy for the loss of a loved one

    How to give sympathy for the loss of a loved one

    “Those we love never truly leave us. There are things death cannot touch.” — Jack Thorne Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to give sympathy for the illness of a loved one

    How to give sympathy for the illness of a loved one

    “I’m so sorry to hear that Stacy is unwell. If there is anything I can do — even bake you guys a mean casserole — just let me know! Start Here Talking Points A Big Freaking List of Comforting Statements Name Tags I’m so sorry to hear that <name> is unwell. If there is anything…

  • How to give sympathy for the loss of a child

    How to give sympathy for the loss of a child

    “Grief is love with no place to go” ― Karen Gibbs, A Gallery of Scrapbook Creations Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to give sympathy for an illness

    How to give sympathy for an illness

    “One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.” ― Shannon L. Alder Start Here Showing Compassion and Empathy for the Unwell Excerpt from “How You Can Support Someone with a Chronic Illness” by Creaky Joints. Compassion is not: Telling people to try turmeric,…

  • How to give sympathy for a lost opportunity or job

    How to give sympathy for a lost opportunity or job

    “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?” — Robert Browning Start Here A Big Freaking List of Comforting Statements Name I see how upset you are, and I’m sorry to see you struggle. You have every right to feel the way you do. I can’t imagine how you…

  • How to give a funeral eulogy

    How to give a funeral eulogy

    Start Here 💬 When my grandmother died, the eulogy I remember most: “She made every person in the room smile just by walking into it.” True. She really did. Therefore the most important element in a eulogy should be truth. We’re all human, we all have less than shiny parts, but the grieving aren’t interested…

  • How to deliver bad news

    How to deliver bad news

    “I have something to say that may be difficult to hear.” Start Here Understanding the Brain Chemistry Behind High Emotion Crisis and high stress changes our brain chemistry. Before even attempting to talk with upset people, you need to have a basic understanding of how our brains react to stress. Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to announce a new job

    How to announce a new job

    See also: Start Here Before you make any announcements, be absolutely sure you’ve done two things: Where to announce a new job LinkedIn Messages Going to a new company I’m delighted to announce that I have accepted a new position as <title> with <@new company>! I have truly enjoyed my time and opportunities for growth…

  • How to congratulate an employee on an award

    How to congratulate an employee on an award

    Letter to Employee

  • How to congratulate someone on a big achievement

    How to congratulate someone on a big achievement

    “Any job very well done that has been carried out by a person who is fully dedicated is always a source of inspiration.” — Carlos Ghosn Talking Points Source: Simply Noted, Readerzilla 👏 A Big Freaking List of Congratulations Name Tags I’m so proud of you! You’ve worked so hard and you deserve every bit…

  • How to congratulate someone on a marriage

    How to congratulate someone on a marriage

    “My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.” – Winston Churchill“May this marriage be full of laughter, our every day in paradise.” – Rumi Talking Points Source: Simply Noted, Readerzilla 👏 A Big Freaking List of Congratulations Name Tags I’m so proud of you! You’ve worked…

  • How to congratulate someone on a new baby

    How to congratulate someone on a new baby

    “Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies-“God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.” – Kurt Vonnegut Talking Points Source: Simply Noted,…

  • How to congratulate someone on a new job

    How to congratulate someone on a new job

    “When opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to go after it.” —Eddie Kennison “Whatever you are, be a good one.”  — Abraham Lincoln Talking Points Source: Simply Noted, Readerzilla 👏A Big Freaking List of Congratulations Name Tags I’m so proud of you! You’ve worked so hard and you deserve every bit of this success. GeneralNew…

  • How to congratulate someone on a promotion

    How to congratulate someone on a promotion

    👏A Big Freaking List of Congratulations Name Tags I’m so proud of you! You’ve worked so hard and you deserve every bit of this success. GeneralNew JobAchievement I’ve always known you were capable of great things. Congratulations on making it happen!  AchievementNew JobPromotion You did it! I knew you could. Congrats and best of luck…

  • How to congratulate someone on a wedding anniversary

    How to congratulate someone on a wedding anniversary

    “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow – this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” — Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to congratulate someone on graduating

    How to congratulate someone on graduating

    “Oh, the places you’ll go…” — Dr. Seuss Talking Points 👏A Big Freaking List of Congratulations Name Tags I’m so proud of you! You’ve worked so hard and you deserve every bit of this success. GeneralNew JobAchievement I’ve always known you were capable of great things. Congratulations on making it happen!  AchievementNew JobPromotion You did…

  • How to congratulate someone on successfully paying off a loan

    How to congratulate someone on successfully paying off a loan

    Congratulations! I know how hard you worked for this. I hope you have some fun plans for your new financial future; you’ve certainly earned it. 👏 A Big Freaking List of Congratulations Name Tags I’m so proud of you! You’ve worked so hard and you deserve every bit of this success. GeneralNew JobAchievement I’ve always…

  • How to give a compliment

    How to give a compliment

    Mentor: You have lovely handwriting! You could be a professional calligraphist.Student: This chicken scratch? No one would ever want me.Mentor: All I can do is give you the flowers – it’s up to you to water them or not. Start Here Further Reading The Big Freaking List of Compliments Compliments sources: Very Well Mind, Think…

  • How to give a recommendation

    How to give a recommendation

    Start Here Talking Points Example Recommendations Not only is <Name> an expert in her field, but she’s also an amazing communicator, creative and problem solver. She excels at managing stakeholders, hard-to-navigate situations, and driving difficult projects to completion. <Name> is also well versed in leading D&I initiatives and building amazing relationships with diverse groups of…

  • Answer Will You

    Answer Will You

  • How to respond to lies

    How to respond to lies

    Start Here Talking Points

  • How to say you’re not ready to move forward after an apology

    How to say you’re not ready to move forward after an apology

    Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to say no

    How to say no

    👎🏽A Big List of No Name No, but thank you.  No thanks. It was delicious, but I’ve already eaten too much. Not now but another time. Maybe we can go on Saturday? I’d like to but I have to work late this evening. I wish I could but, unfortunately, I already have plans that night. Nope. I don’t…

  • How to respond when you think someone is overreacting

    How to respond when you think someone is overreacting

    “Help me understand…” Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to set boundaries

    How to set boundaries

    “Boundaries are the edge territory of what belongs to us and what belongs to someone else. They are the ways we communicate our needs. They are what allow us to feel safe among strangers, in everyday interactions, and in our closest relationships.” “Boundaries aren’t just the hard nos, they are also the maybes and the…

  • How to redirect the conversation (bridging)

    How to redirect the conversation (bridging)

    Bridging is a technique used to nudge a conversation away from a negative or unanswerable question to a more positively framed answer or message. Note: This is not used to avoid answering questions that should be answered. Bridging should be used to help ‘cool down’ a tense conversation. Bridging Templates

  • How to respond to nosy or inappropriate questions

    How to respond to nosy or inappropriate questions

    Q: “Are you still married?”A: “Are you still alive?” Start Here Talking Points Responding to Nosy Bastards Situation Answers Keywords General Nosiness Oh you! You know that I can’t talk about that! General General Nosiness I could tell you but I’d have to kill you. GeneralSmart Ass General Nosiness I’m discreet and loyal, which is…

  • How to answer impossible questions from kids

    How to answer impossible questions from kids

    “Why doesn’t Spiderman shoot webs out of his butt like a real spider?” “Go ask your mother…” See also: Start Here Great books for curious minds Talking Points In reply to an impossible question “That’s a great question, and I’m going to leave that one to you to answer. Some of the best things you’ll…

  • How to answer a question you will never know the answer to

    How to answer a question you will never know the answer to

    “Science is a finite sphere that grows in infinite space; each new expansion makes it include a larger zone of the unknown, but the unknown is inexhaustible.”― Jorge Luis Borges “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”― Voltaire “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t…

  • Apologize


    😔Big List of Apologetic Statements Name Tags So I can understand the full extent of the issue/problem, could you please tell me a little more? Listen to Understand I want to make sure that I really have an understanding of what you’re telling me. I’m hearing that… Listen to Understand Thank you for alerting us…

  • How to talk to an angry customer or client

    How to talk to an angry customer or client

    Important note: Taking responsibility for our mistakes is core to any healthy culture. It’s important to walk the balance between being transparent about mistakes and safeguarding the company from legal liability. An apology (even a verbal one) is effectively admitting liability, and if, for example, it is a severe issue that ends up in court,…

  • How to apologize for a delayed reply

    How to apologize for a delayed reply

    “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.” – Groucho Marx Talking Points

  • How to follow up with a customer who gave you a low survey score or bad review

    How to follow up with a customer who gave you a low survey score or bad review

    Do Don’t – Listen to understand first – Prepare for the call – Have a plan to make it right with the customer (see below for options) – Apologize if deserved – Explain why you’re following up with them – Set expectations (what will they get from the call) – Use their time wisely –…

  • How to apologize for the inability to do something 

    How to apologize for the inability to do something 

    “As much as I would like to help you, I’m not in a position to offer you any assistance.” “I’m sorry, <Name> I’d love to help out, but my calendar is booked that day.” “Thank you for thinking of me for this project. Unfortunately, my team and I are at capacity and wouldn’t be able…

  • How to apologize for a damaged product

    How to apologize for a damaged product

    See also: Start Here Talking Points 😔Big List of Apologetic Statements Name Tags So I can understand the full extent of the issue/problem, could you please tell me a little more? Listen to Understand I want to make sure that I really have an understanding of what you’re telling me. I’m hearing that… Listen to…

  • How to apologize for poor service

    How to apologize for poor service

    “We take pride in our high standards of service and we know that we did not meet your – or our own – expectations.” See also: Start Here Talking Points 😔Big List of Apologetic Statements Name Tags So I can understand the full extent of the issue/problem, could you please tell me a little more?…

  • How to apologize for something outside of your control

    How to apologize for something outside of your control

    See also: Start Here Talking Points Example Scenario Messaging The COVID Pandemic has led to global inventory constraints. An example of how this has affected the company is difficulty receiving certain types of raw materials. A customer has called angry about the delay to his order as a result of this plastic shortage. He wants…

  • Things you need to stop apologizing for

    Things you need to stop apologizing for

    “I’m sorry for breathing.”“I’m sorry for eating yogurt during this meeting.”“I’m sorry that I thought it was okay to express my opinion.” See also: Start Here Things You Need to Stop Apologizing For Name Standing up for yourself. Having feelings. Taking up space. Having an opinion. Having strong opinions. Disagreeing with someone. Doing what’s best…

  • How to apologize for the inability to pay

    How to apologize for the inability to pay

    “My deepest apologies, but I am unable to pay you by the due date.” “Is there a way you can work with me on extending the deadline?” “I can pay $X now and the rest by <date>.” See also: Start Here Talking Points Further Reading

  • How to apologize for the delayed return of a borrowed item

    How to apologize for the delayed return of a borrowed item

    “I’m sorry for not getting your <item> back to you sooner.” See also: Start Here Talking Points

  • How to apologize for being late

    How to apologize for being late

    “I’m so sorry I’m late! My other appointments ran long and I couldn’t get away.” See also: Start Here Talking Points

  • How to apologize for a missed appointment

    How to apologize for a missed appointment

    “I’m so sorry that I missed our appointment. I had saved it incorrectly in my calendar. I know that’s no excuse, but I hope you understand that it was completely unintentional and truly appreciate and respect your time.” See also: Start Here Talking Points

  • How to apologize for a late payment

    How to apologize for a late payment

    “I’m so sorry for not getting my payment in by the deadline.” See also: How to apologize for the inability to pay Start Here Talking Points

  • About Talking Points for Life

    About Talking Points for Life

    “It’s not what you say, it’s what they hear.” – Frank Luntz Talking Points for Life (TPfL) is the passion project of its Editors. Too many people are left wandering through Reddit threads and Quora posts looking for advice on what to say. TPfL is designed to be a one-stop shop for ready-to-use messages for…

  • Buy Us a Tea

    Buy Us a Tea

    ☕ Go Ahead, Make Our Day! Talking Points for Life (TPfL) is our passion project. We operate this site at a financial loss because we want to make sure this information is available to anyone who needs it. If you like what you see and you’d like to help us keep this good thing going,…

  • Your Feedback Matters!

    Your Feedback Matters!

    Suggestion Box Have a suggestion on how we can make Talking Points for Life even better? Just drop a note in our virtual suggestion box below. Thank you for sharing your feedback! See also

How to accept a job offer


Thank you so much for this opportunity!
I look forward to working with you and meeting the rest of the team.
I’m excited to geek out with you guys on all the great work we can do.

See also:

How to ask for feedback


“To become more effective and fulfilled at work, people need a keen understanding of their impact on others and the extent to which they achieve their goals in their working relationships. Direct feedback is the most efficient way for them to gather this information and learn from it.”– Ed Batista

“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”– Winston Churchill

Talking Points

  • Hi <Name>, would you be willing to give me feedback on <specific things you want feedback on>?
  • I value your input and perspective.
  • Do you have any tips on how I can <specific details on what you what to achieve>?
  • I’ve been working on <what you want feedback on>. Do you have any feedback you can share with me?
  • I’m compiling some end-of-year feedback on my performance for my manager. I find it helps with performance reviews.
  • Thank you!

How to ask for participation in a survey


Talking Points

  • I wanted to let you know that you may receive an email invitation to participate in our survey.
  • <Company> has launched our first-ever product survey for selected users of a small number of chosen products.
  • The purpose of this survey is to make sure that our products are meeting your needs and expectations. Your feedback will help shape our future product offerings, fixes, and features.
  • Your feedback will help us identify what is working and where we can improve to drive fantastic services and experiences for you.
  • Your feedback will be used by <Company’s> product teams to ensure our products and offerings are meeting your needs.
  • We use this survey to discover ways we can better serve you. We take a look at the data and prioritize improvements to our products and services, as well as enhance our employee training.
  • Your feedback – good and bad– can help us truly understand how best to serve you. I’m happy to send the survey invitation again and would greatly appreciate your participation. Thank you!
  • If the survey is confidential: The survey is confidential, and contact information will only be used if you give permission in the survey to follow up with questions about your feedback or if you raise concerns about product safety or compliance issues.

Email – Encourage Customers to Participate (Personal Reach-out)

👋🏼 Dear <NAME>,
I’m writing to encourage you to participate in our latest Customer Experience Survey. You received an invitation to participate in our survey on <DATE>, and it would mean the world to us if you took five minutes to provide your feedback.
We know your time is valuable, so we would only ask you if it was truly important. Our survey is the primary source of customer feedback, and consequently, they have a major influence on how we choose which projects and programs to improve.
Thank you in advance for your time and candor. If you have any questions about the survey or how to access it, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


How to disagree (respectfully) with your boss’s feedback


One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is not to automatically accept everyone’s feedback. People will always have opinions and unsolicited feedback to share with you. Even with all the best intentions in the world, someone can lack the context or expertise to give you good advice. You would be surprised how many folks also lack self-awareness. It can be challenging to know who you should listen to, but here’s a good rule:

Don’t accept criticism from someone who you wouldn’t ask for advice.

The same rule applies to your boss. You should always listen to what your boss says, but sometimes he or she isn’t in the best position (EQ/personality, training, communication skills to give you the feedback you truly warrant.

Use the messaging below to push back tactfully and stand up for yourself. Note: If you don’t feel that your boss would be open to this feedback, it might be time to find a new position.

Talking Points

  • I wanted to talk with you a little more about your recent feedback.
  • I so value that we can be open with one another about what we’re thinking and how we’re feeling. Thank you for creating that environment for our team – it starts at the top, you know.
  • And thank you for giving me a little time to come back and respond to you. For something like this, I wanted to make sure I gave it a good deal of thought.
  • If you remember, your feedback was <try to repeat back word-for-word the main piece of feedback he/she gave you>.
  • <Be sure to get agreement that this was indeed the feedback and that there were no misunderstandings.>
  • Thank you for confirming/clarifying.
  • I’m perplexed by this feedback because I don’t recognize myself in that description of me/my performance/that incident.
  • Please understand that I’m not trying to be difficult or unaccepting of — or unappreciative — your feedback. <If possible, give them specific examples of when you took their feedback>
  • I know that I’m not perfect.
  • I value the feedback you give me, which is why I want to understand.
  • I want to dig into this issue a bit more so that I can understand what behaviors specifically have given you that impression.
  • That way, I can try to avoid them in the future.
  • Thank you again for taking the time to walk through this with me and for all the ways you help me.

Further Reading

How to give feedback


Use this guide whenever you need to give feedback to someone. The performance reviews list below is a great source of inspiration for highlighting performance and personality specifics.

“Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.”

– Frank A. Clark

Start Here

  • Be as specific as possible with examples.
  • Be honest, but not cruel.
  • When giving negative feedback:
    • Be sure to give it in a timely fashion. Don’t “hold onto” feedback for weeks or months. Deal with the issue as it arises.
    • Be kind and patient.
    • Give clear examples and actions they can take to improve (see list below)

See also:

  • How to disagree (respectfully) with your boss’s feedback
  • How to ask for feedback

Talking Points

Sources: 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews by Paul Falcone, and Kazoo

✅A Big Freaking List of Performance Reviews

Calms those around her by keeping them focused on the end goalPositiveAdaptability
Demonstrates a keen ability to multi-task and juggle competing prioritiesPositiveAdaptability
Goes with the flow and adapts readily to any changes in circumstancesPositiveAdaptability
Is a versatile team player capable of handling diverse assignmentsPositiveAdaptability
Maintains composure when faced with stressful situationsPositiveAdaptability
Quickly adapts to deviation from a pre-planned schedule and course of actionPositiveAdaptability
Rapidly adapts to changes in the nature of his assignmentsPositiveAdaptability
Readily identifies more efficient ways of doing businessPositiveAdaptability
Remains a proponent of changePositiveAdaptability
Shows initiative when having to redefine the way she performs a taskPositiveAdaptability
Welcomes change as an opportunityPositiveAdaptability
Welcomes constructive criticismPositiveAdaptability
Clearly enjoys the “people” aspect of his positionPositiveClient Service
Consistently answers the phone with a smile and a friendly helloPositiveClient Service
Consistently gains necessary approvals and authorizationsPositiveClient Service
Deals with challenging customers without becoming aggressivePositiveClient Service
Enjoys identifying “out-of-the-box” solutions for clients with special needsPositiveClient Service
Excels at providing timely feedback to even the most difficult customersPositiveClient Service
Follows up with clients to ensure no one feels forgotten or lost in the processPositiveClient Service
Has a very warm rapport with everyone she comes in contact withPositiveClient Service
Has become the “go-to guy” for clients who seek his advice to solve problemsPositiveClient Service
Has developed a loyal customer base and a high rate of repeat businessPositiveClient Service
Is able easily to switch from English to Spanish and back againPositiveClient Service
Is able to redefine the customer service process to meet clients’ changing needsPositiveClient Service
Is an empathetic and focused listenerPositiveClient Service
Knows when to ask for additional support from team managementPositiveClient Service
Outlines the steps that she will take to resolve a problemPositiveClient Service
Overcomes objections in a logical and conversational fashionPositiveClient Service
Readily admits when she doesn’t know the answer to a particular queryPositiveClient Service
Receives ongoing positive feedback from clients—both verbally and in writingPositiveClient Service
Skillfully manages all but the most challenging customer situationsPositiveClient Service
Skillfully overcomes customers’ objectionsPositiveClient Service
Works very well with clients as well as all staff membersPositiveClient Service
Acts as a calming influence when faced with anger or resentmentPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Allows subordinates to share their achievements at weekly staff meetingsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Always makes others feel comfortable to participate and share their opinionsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Asks well-thought-out and well-prepared questionsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Builds consensusPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Builds strong working relationships with other internal departmentsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Communicates clearly with customers who do not speak English fluentlyPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Created a reporting system that is now used throughout the companyPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Creates an inclusive work environmentPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Cultivates a culture of openness in information sharingPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Demonstrates a willingness to hear others out before reaching a decisionPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Demonstrates candor and a sense of humor in all business dealingsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Displays originality and contributes fresh ideasPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Effectively shares highlights of conferences and workshops with her peersPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Encourages coworkers to be inventive and to take appropriate risksPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Encourages open communication, cooperation, and the sharing of knowledgePositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Explains complicated issues clearly and succinctlyPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Fosters a spirit of creative collaboration by giving teams, a common focusPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Funnels creative recommendations into practical applicationsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Holds weekly staff meetings to ensure open communicationPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Is always willing to take a fresh look at policies and practicesPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Is not afraid to say “I don’t know” or “I’ll check on that and get back you”PositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Makes ongoing suggestions to improve operationsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Possesses a knack for summarizing and communicating end resultsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Provides ongoing feedback in a spirit of constructive criticismPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Provides timely feedback and follow-upPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Questions common practices in order to identify better ways of doing thingsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Regularly asks for immediate feedback to ensure under-PositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Regularly conducts postmortems on failed deals and learns from his mistakesPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Regularly solicits constructive feedbackPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Remains open-minded and willing to entertain others’ ideasPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Skillfully changes direction when faced with new informationPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Solved a long-standing software glitch through a creative workaroundPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Speaks persuasively and convincinglyPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Stands out among her peers as a public speaker and corporate spokespersonPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Thinks of imaginative alternatives when confronted with obstaclesPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Thinks outside the box when faced with challenging situationsPositiveCommunication and Cooperation
Arrives at meetings on time and well preparedPositiveReliability
Attained perfect attendance over the review periodPositiveReliability
Begins each day refreshed and eager to face new challengesPositiveReliability
Begins each day refreshed and eager to face new challenges head-onPositiveReliability
Begins meetings on time and ends them on schedulePositiveReliability
Completes assignments accurately and meets deadlines as promisedPositiveReliability
Complies with all company standards of performance and conductPositiveReliability
Is always willing to work long hours on little or no noticePositiveReliability
Is consistently dependable and conscientiousPositiveReliability
Is fully reliable in terms of attendance and punctualityPositiveReliability
Meets all attendance and tardiness standardsPositiveReliability
Never misses work without gaining the appropriate advance approvalsPositiveReliability
Regularly arranges for back-up temporary support when absentPositiveReliability
Never permit customers to treat you disrespectfullyNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Never use pressure to close a deal or to unduly influence a customer’s decisionNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Proactively inform customers of pending delaysNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Provide objective and timely advice to customersNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Quickly address problems even with the most demanding customersNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Receives ongoing substandard customer satisfaction scoresNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Refers too many customer queries to management for final resolutionNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Refrain from speaking poorly of the competitionNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Share information and resources readilyNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Share only as much information with a client as is necessaryNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Tactfully tell customers no when their demands or expectations cannot be metNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Appears unable or unwilling to say no to any requestNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Asks questions for questions’ sakeNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Creates a territorial atmosphereNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Delays passing along bad news for fear of potential confrontationNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Engages in shouting matchesNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Fails to communicate bad news upwardNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Fails to take disciplinary actions when subordinates fail to meet expectationsNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Has difficulty boiling down complex issues into their component partsNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Has difficulty distinguishing clearly between macro issues and micro detailsNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Is too wordy to communicate a clear and compelling messageNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Makes others feel intimidated and uncomfortable when they ask for helpNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Prefers that others deliver bad news, even if it’s clearly her responsibilityNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Readily attributes blame to othersNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Refuses to commit her staff’s time to other departments when askedNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Regularly complains of a lack of necessary resources to perform effectivelyNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Remains reluctant to provide subordinates with constructive feedbackNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Tends to “foxhole” and isolate himselfNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Uses defamatory, derogatory language to humiliate staff membersNeeds ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Appears unwilling to take creative chancesNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Demonstrates little innovation or creativityNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Does not seek creative alternatives to conventional practicesNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Fails to give credit to subordinates who generate new ideas and solutionsNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Fails to tap the creative potential of peers and subordinatesNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Is reluctant to explore new approaches or alternativesNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Is slow to adjust his work in light of clients’ changing needsNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Often gets too “creative” in changing established procedures without approvalNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Only initiates courses of action that have guaranteed outcomesNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Tends to process information in a rote mannerNeeds ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Allows cell phone calls to interrupt business meetings with staff and clientsNeeds ImprovementReliability
Comes and goes as he pleases, citing his “exempt” statusNeeds ImprovementReliability
Continuously patterns his sick days around regularly scheduled time offNeeds ImprovementReliability
Demonstrates a lack of respect for others’ time by arriving late at meetingsNeeds ImprovementReliability
Does not consistently obtain advance approval for arriving late at workNeeds ImprovementReliability
Does not meet standards for attendance and punctualityNeeds ImprovementReliability
Does not return phone calls and e-mails in a timely mannerNeeds ImprovementReliability
Fails to assume responsibility for his actionsNeeds ImprovementReliability
Fails to follow appropriate call-in procedures during absenceNeeds ImprovementReliability
Frequently arrives late to meetings while insisting that his subordinates arrive on timeNeeds ImprovementReliability
Generates an excessive number of personal phone calls throughout the dayNeeds ImprovementReliability
Has again used the maximum number of sick days allowedNeeds ImprovementReliability
Spends excessive time handling personal matters on the InternetNeeds ImprovementReliability
Tends to wander from his desk, leaving office phones uncoveredNeeds ImprovementReliability
Becomes frustrated when customers ask too many questionsNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Cannot yet demonstrate sufficient knowledge of company productsNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Demonstrate total commitment to outstanding customer serviceNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Demonstrates condescending behavior when dealing with overly demanding callersNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Displays sarcasm and alienates those looking for helpNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Does not manage customer expectations by explaining reasons for delaysNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Effectively prioritize your workload based on your customers’ needsNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Exceed customers’ expectations by providing timely feedback and follow-upNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Follow up with customers after the conclusion of a saleNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Has difficulty saying no or tactfully telling customers that they must wait their turnNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Has little patience for customers with “dumb questions”Needs ImprovementClient Service
Has received numerous customer complaints for failing to follow up as promisedNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Involve management whenever customers behave inappropriatelyNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Is unwilling to adapt his tone and personality to fit a particular caller’s styleNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Make sure that clients understand that you’re on their sideNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Misses opportunities for cross-selling and overcoming initial objections Needs ImprovementClient Service
Never appear to talk down to or to patronize customersNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Appears reluctant to embrace last-minute changes in directionNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Avoids covering for others in the department when neededNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Becomes flustered when interrupted or asked to deviate from a fixed scheduleNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Becomes frustrated when faced with unexpected changes in plansNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Demonstrates a tendency to resist even minor changesNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Demonstrates a time-clock mentalityNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Does not “roll with the punches” effectivelyNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Does not excel at independent, research-based activitiesNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Often raises her voice and “lashes out” at her peers when things don’t go as plannedNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Postpones or delays training and implementation of new programsNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Remains unwilling to carry out tasks that are “below him”Needs ImprovementAdaptability
Strictly adheres to only those job duties outlined in her job descriptionNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Tends to resist or resent new work assignmentsNeeds ImprovementAdaptability
Always exhibit creativity and flexibility in solving customers’ problemsNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Always put the client’s needs above your ownNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Argues and uses inflammatory language with customersNeeds ImprovementClient Service
Become more adaptable to any changes in your work assignmentsFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Become more willing to take on duties not outlined in your job descriptionFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementAdaptability
Learn to deal with unexpected changes in plansFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementAdaptability
Look for ways of using new technologies in order to increase your efficiencyFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementAdaptability
Support organizational restructuring efforts in a constructive mannerFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementAdaptability
Always deliver bad news quickly and tactfullyFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Answer incoming telephone lines within two ringsFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Avoid blaming or censuring others publiclyFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Be careful not to appear overwhelmed or anxious about the workloadFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Be conscious of your body language at all timesFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Build consensus via shared decision-makingFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Build trust through regular, open, and honest communicationFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Cultivate a culture of openness and information sharingFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Do not leave callers on hold for more than 30 secondsFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Don’t treat coworkers who interrupt you as if they’re inconveniencing youFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Ensure that your direct reports are informed of each other’s activitiesFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Listen and respond to others appropriately using a respectful toneFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Manage others’ expectations appropriately•Feedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Nod your head to communicate that you are actively listeningFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Proactively feed information upwards to keep management well informedFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Readily admit if you’re not sure of an answerFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Refrain from using comments like “It’s not in my job description”Feedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean noFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Stop others immediately from speaking to you in a derogatory toneFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCommunication and Cooperation
Be willing to “think out of the box” when solving difficult problemsFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Consistently acknowledge staff members who generate new ideasFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Encourage creativity and independent thought among subordinatesFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Obtain approval before you change established proceduresFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Seek out new ideas from othersFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementCreativity and Innovation
Arrive at the office on time and ready to begin work by your scheduled start timeFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementReliability
Develop a reputation for reliability and excellence in all that you doFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementReliability
Speak with me in person (not by leaving a voicemail message) when you need time offFeedback Goals; Needs ImprovementReliability
It’s clear you’re excited about the project. But sometimes, when you get excited, you don’t leave room for others to bring their ideas to the table. In particular, I noticed that you spoke over David and Muriel several times throughout the meeting. Did you notice this, too?ExampleCommunication and Cooperation
In a group setting, I’d like you to make space for others in conversations and meetings. It’s a necessary skill for your career development and helps utilize the full talents of the team. What do you think?ExampleCommunication and Cooperation
I really appreciated how you kept me up to date on X project this week — it helped me coordinate with our stakeholders, and I’m excited to share that we’re on track to launch. It’s also great to see your process. I’m impressed with the efficiencies you’re introducing.ExampleCreativity and Innovation
I’m curious about where we are with Y project. If any issues have come up, it’s best that I know as soon as possible so I can help you get back on target. How about you shoot me daily updates just so I know where we are?ExampleTime Management
I can’t help but notice that this is the third deadline that’s caught up to you this month. I understand this is a fast-paced environment, and I think you’d be more effective if we rethought your time management strategies.”ExampleTime Management
Thanks for letting me know you’re running behind schedule on this project. Let’s take a look at your goalsand see how you’re spending your time — I bet there are opportunities for efficiencies there.ExampleTime Management
It’d be great to see you take on fewer projects, or narrow your focus to be more attainable. What do you think?ExampleTime Management
Your work on X, Y and Z were solid, valuable accomplishments this quarter. I know you didn’t complete every goal you set, and that’s okay — it’s great to see you reach high. But I recognize that it can be discouraging, too. So let’s take this opportunity to rethink your goals moving forward.ExampleTime Management
You know I’ve always appreciated your grasp of our larger vision, and it’s great that you see big-picture. But you’ve missed out on some smaller details in your last few projects, like X and Y. Unfortunately, that ultimately set the team back because they had to correct those oversights.ExampleQuality
I’d love for you to keep that big-picture vision while working on those little blind spots. For your next project, let’s put together a detailed checklist of all your deliverables to make sure you don’t miss anything. Give it a shot, then let’s follow up and reassess from there.ExampleQuality
Hey, I noticed you weren’t in our last few morning meetings. I’m concerned that you may have missed some important information and that it will be difficult for other team members to sync up with you. I’d like to take the time to go over what you missed now. Then, let’s work out a plan together, so this doesn’t continue to happen in the future.ExampleReliability
You did a fantastic job collaborating with your team last week, but I worry that you may have derailed Howie by seeking his help with X. I’ve seen you work, and I’m confident that if you’d thought about it a little longer, you could have come up with a solution on your own. I know you can do it. Do you believe you can?ExampleCommunication and Cooperation
It’d be great to see you tap into your resourcefulness and apply it to problem-solving before reaching out to others. Try sitting with an issue for 5 minutes before you reach out to anybody else. If this doesn’t work, check in with me and we can come up with a solution.ExampleAdaptability
I wanted to check in and see how things are going. You don’t seem to be quite as engaged at work lately — is there something I can do to help you get back on track? I’d like to keep you happy here. Let’s set a time to review your goals and responsibilities and make sure we’re on the same page.ExampleAttitude
I’m glad we’re taking the time to check-in. I feel like you haven’t been as happy at work lately. How do you feel? Is there something I can do to help you have a better experience here?ExampleAttitude
I appreciate your input. When you have an issue, it’s helpful for the team and me if you share it with me so I can address it. That’s a positive, productive move. If you talk to your teammates about your issues, I can’t help you solve them, which creates an atmosphere of negativity.ExampleAttitude
I know there are a lot of rumors flying around about X, and I know you’re concerned about it. I value your trust and contributions here, so I’d like to set the record straight and explain what I can.ExampleCommunication and Cooperation
I understand your feelings, and I know it’s frustrating when you feel your questions aren’t being answered. In the future, though, please bring your concerns directly to me. When you share them with your teammates, it creates a company culture of fear and negativity without providing answers.ExampleCommunication and Cooperation
Hey, I wanted to check-in and see how you felt about your work this week. Samika mentioned that you used a sarcastic tone with her in a meeting and it made her uncomfortable. We need to be able to function as a team, and I was hoping to hear your side of the story to see if everything is okay.ExampleCommunication and Cooperation
This morning you left our team meeting early. I could tell you were frustrated by the discussion, but walking out on your teammates doesn’t show them the same respect they show you during the conflict. How can we find a solution moving forward?ExampleCommunication and Cooperation

How to thank someone for their time


“Thank you so much for your time earlier today.”

“I know you’re extremely busy, and I truly appreciate you sharing your time and perspective with me.”

“I am so grateful for your time.”

Talking Points

Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could ask for!Compliment Quirky
Have a drink on me.Quirky
How did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful you choose to be with me.Love
How did you become so wise? Thanks again for all of your advice.Advice
I already made dinner tonight, thank you for being so wonderful.Love
I am grateful for your help.Help or Support
I am grateful for your support.Help or Support
I am so thankful for what you did.Help or Support
I am so very grateful for your time.Time
I am so very thankful for your time.Time
I am very grateful for your consideration.Consideration
I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the [job title] position at [company name].Time Consideration
I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.Advice
I appreciate the time you and the [company name] team spent interviewing me.Time Consideration
I appreciate what you did.
I appreciate you considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you.Consideration Time
I appreciate you.
I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.Consideration
I appreciate your consideration.Consideration
I appreciate your dedication.Work/Effort
I appreciate your guidance.Advice
I appreciate your hard work and want you to know it doesn’t go unnoticed.Work/Effort
I appreciate your help.Help or Support
I appreciate your taking the time to write a reference for me.Referral Time
I appreciate your taking the time.Time
I appreciate your thoughtfulness, you’ve made my day!
I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.Time Consideration
I appreciate your time.Time
I can’t even begin to explain how much your help meant to me.Help or Support
I don’t say it enough, but I just wanted to say thank you for always having my back.Help or Support
I enjoyed speaking with you about the opportunity to work with your company.Consideration Time
I greatly appreciate the time you took to interview me.Time Consideration
I greatly appreciate your help.
I have a big bear hug waiting for you the next time I see you!Love
I just want to say thanks for helping me with my project.
I just wanted to write to say thanks a bunch for the gift!Gift
I know you spent a lot of time picking out the perfect gift for me and I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful friend in my life.Time Consideration Gift
I owe you one.Quirky
I really appreciate the effort you have contributed to your team’s project.Contribution
I really appreciate the reference you gave to [company name] on my behalf.Referral
I really appreciate your flexibility and willingness to work with me on this.Help or Support
I really appreciate your help. Thank you.Help or Support
I sincerely appreciate the assistance.Help or Support
I sincerely appreciate the time you took to interview me.Time
I sincerely appreciate this.
I sincerely appreciate your consideration.Consideration
I sincerely appreciate your flexibility and willingness to help.Help or Support
I sincerely appreciate ….
I sincerely enjoyed meeting with you to discuss the [job title] opening.Time Consideration
I truly appreciate the confidence you showed in me.Help or Support
I truly enjoy being a part of your team.Compliment
I value and respect your opinion.Advice
I value the insights and guidance you provide.Advice
I very much appreciate your help.Help or Support
I very much appreciate your support.Help or Support
I want to express my gratitude for everything that you’ve helped me achieve here.Help or Support
I wanted to express my personal gratitude for the effort and extra time you have contributed.Time Contribution
I wanted to take the time to thank you.Time
I wanted to thank you as soon as possible.
I would like to thank you and your staff for the opportunity to meet with you.
It means the world to me.
It was so nice to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out.Response
It was very thoughtful of you.Consideration
It’s a rare thing to find someone as generous and kind as you. Thank you.Compliment
I’d be lost without you.
I’m beyond grateful
I’m eternally grateful
I’m forever indebted.Help or Support Contribution
I’m so grateful for the housewarming gift you sent, our place is one step closer to feeling like home because of it.Gift
I’m so thankful for everything you bring to the teamContribution
Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more, you did that. Thank you for being so amazing!Love
Many thanks for giving me this opportunity.Opportunity
Many thanks for the opportunity to meet with you.Time Consideration
Many thanks for your assistance.Help or Support
Many thanks for your time.Time
My sincere appreciation.
My sincere gratitude.
My sincere thanks.
My stomach (and I) want to thank you for that delicious meal.Meal
My thanks and appreciation.
Please accept my deepest gratitude.
Please accept my deepest thanks.
Thank you for accepting my connection request.Opportunity
Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job search.Time Help or Support
Thank you for all the help!Help or Support
Thank you for always going above and beyond to ensure the success of a project.Contribution
Thank you for always going above and beyond.Help or Support
Thank you for always stepping in to help when I need you most.Help or Support
Thank you for being my superhero!Help or Support
Thank you for being such a great leader. The other team members and I are really inspired by your actions.Compliment
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and others around you.Compliment
Thank you for coming to my birthday party, it was more special getting to celebrate with you.Event
Thank you for connecting with me. It’s an honor!Opportunity
Thank you for considering my request.Consideration
Thank you for entrusting me with this project.
Thank you for everything you do.
Thank you for having confidence in my abilities.Referral
Thank you for helping me through that difficult time. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I have two for you.Help or Support
Thank you for helping me with this project.Help or Support
Thank you for hosting my event, my day just wouldn’t have been the same without you!Event
Thank you for leading by example.
Thank you for making this such an awesome place to work every day!Compliment
Thank you for providing me with advice.Advice
Thank you for putting a roof over my head this weekend, it was so kind to invite me into your home.Help or Support
Thank you for referring [individual name] to me for [services provided].Referral
Thank you for referring me for the job at [company name].Referral
Thank you for referring us to [company name].Referral
Thank you for sharing your expertise.Love
Thank you for sharing your home with me, I had such a great time catching up.Time Help or Support
Thank you for sharing your honest feedback about the project.Feedback
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I value your honesty and will respond as quickly as possible.
Thank you for speaking with me. Your insights were truly helpful.Advice
Thank you for speaking with me about the [job title] position at [company name].Time Consideration
Thank you for spending time with me.Time
Thank you for such a wonderful contribution.Contribution
Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter what. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.Love
Thank you for taking the time to explain this.Time
Thank you for taking the time to help me, it really meant a lot.Time
Thank you for taking the time to provide me with a reference.Time
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I very much appreciate the time you spent discussing career options with me.Time
Thank you for taking the time.Time
Thank you for taking the trouble to help me.Time
Thank you for taking time from your schedule to talk to me.Time
Thank you for the assistance you have provided me with during my job search.Time Help or Support
Thank you for the beautiful blouse, I can’t wait to wear it this weekend.Gift
Thank you for the courtesy you extended to me during my interview.Consideration
Thank you for the gift card, it will help me get everything I need for my upcoming move.Gift
Thank you for the opportunity to work here. I will do my very best to exceed your expectations of my abilities.Opportunity
Thank you for the raving letter of recommendation, I can’t wait to start my new job.Referral
Thank you for thinking of me.Consideration
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.Help or Support
Thank you for your assistance.Help or Support
Thank you for your confidence and support.Help or Support
Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter.Consideration
Thank you for your consideration and forthcoming response.Consideration
Thank you for your consideration.Consideration
Thank you for your email, it was really appreciated.Response
Thank you for your encouragement.Help or Support
Thank you for your guidance.Advice
Thank you for your help. I’m thrilled to have you on our team.Help or Support
Thank you for your support.Help or Support
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.Consideration
Thank you for your time today.Time
Thank you for your time.Time
Thank you for showing what it means to be part of a team.Consideration
Thank you so much for meeting with me yesterday regarding the project I’m working on.Time Help or Support
Thank you so much for putting me in touch with [individual name] at [company name].Referral
Thank you so much for the help. Please let me know if I can return the favor.Help or Support
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much; I really appreciate it!
Thank you so very much for referring me for the [job title] position at [company name].Referral
Thank you very much for recommending me for the position.Referral
Thank you very much for your consideration.Consideration
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot for your help – I couldn’t have done it without you!
Thanks again for meeting with me today.Time
Thanks again, we couldn’t have pulled this off without youContribution
Thanks for your attention on the matter.Help or Support
Thanks very much for the assistance you provide my business. I sincerely appreciate it.Help or Support
That’s very kind of you.Compliment
The coffee mug you sent is so me. Thank you for making my mornings brighter.Gift
The new picture frame will look perfect in my college dorm room. Thank you!Gift
This is exactly what I’ve been wanting. Thank you so much for getting it for me.Gift
We are grateful for your dedication to the team and company.Contribution
What you did for me was kind of a big deal. Thank you.
Where would I be without a friend like you?
Words can’t describe how thankful I am.
Words can’t even express my thanks, but I hope this gift will help show you how grateful I am for a friend like you.With a Gift
You are a ray of sunshine to me and everyone else around. Thank you for brightening my day!Compliment
You are always so helpful.Compliment Help or Support
You are my angel, thank you for your kindness and compassion.Compliment Help or Support
You are the best.Compliment
You have been most helpful.Compliment Help or Support
You have my gratitude.
You know all my secrets and weird quirks, yet you’re still my bestie. Thank you.
You made me feel so at home that I forgot I wasn’t! Thank you for having me.Meal Time
You make my heart smile.Compliment Love
You’re a peach! Thanks for your help.Advice
You’re a peach! Thanks for your help.Compliment
You’re my partner in crime; thanks for always supporting my crazy ideas!Help or Support
You’re the sweetest! Thank you for everything you do!Compliment

How to thank someone for being there

Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could ask for!Compliment QuirkyFriend
Have a drink on me.QuirkyGeneral
How did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful you choose to be with me.LovePartner
How did you become so wise? Thanks again for all of your advice.AdviceProfessional General
I already made dinner tonight, thank you for being so wonderful.LovePartner
I am grateful for your help.Help or SupportGeneral
I am grateful for your support.Help or SupportGeneral
I am so thankful for what you did.Help or SupportGeneral
I am so very grateful for your time.TimeProfessional
I am so very thankful for your time.TimeProfessional
I am very grateful for your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the [job title] position at [company name]. Time ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.AdviceProfessional
I appreciate the time you and the [company name] team spent interviewing me.TimeConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate what you did.General
I appreciate you considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you.ConsiderationTimeProfessional
I appreciate you.General
I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate your dedication.Work/EffortGeneral
I appreciate your guidance.AdviceProfessional General
I appreciate your hard work and want you to know it doesn’t go unnoticed.Work/EffortProfessional
I appreciate your help. Help or SupportGeneral
I appreciate your taking the time to write a reference for me.ReferralTimeProfessional
I appreciate your taking the time.TimeProfessional
I appreciate your thoughtfulness, you’ve made my day!General
I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.Time ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate your time.TimeProfessional
I can’t even begin to explain how much your help meant to me.Help or SupportGeneral
I don’t say it enough, but I just wanted to say thank you for always having my back.Help or SupportFriend Professional
I enjoyed speaking with you about the opportunity to work with your company.ConsiderationTimeProfessional
I greatly appreciate the time you took to interview me.TimeConsiderationProfessional
I greatly appreciate your help.
I have a big bear hug waiting for you the next time I see you!LovePartner Friend
I just want to say thanks for helping me with my project.General
I just wanted to write to say thanks a bunch for the gift!GiftGeneral
I know you spent a lot of time picking out the perfect gift for me and I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful friend in my life.Time Consideration GiftFriend
I owe you one.QuirkyGeneral
I really appreciate the effort you have contributed to your team’s project. ContributionProfessional
I really appreciate the reference you gave to [company name] on my behalf.ReferralProfessional
I really appreciate your flexibility and willingness to work with me on this.Help or SupportGeneral
I really appreciate your help. Thank you.Help or SupportGeneral
I sincerely appreciate the assistance.Help or SupportGeneral
I sincerely appreciate the time you took to interview me.TimeProfessional
I sincerely appreciate this.
I sincerely appreciate your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
I sincerely appreciate your flexibility and willingness to help.Help or SupportGeneral
I sincerely appreciate ….General
I sincerely enjoyed meeting with you to discuss the [job title] opening.Time ConsiderationProfessional
I truly appreciate the confidence you showed in me.Help or SupportGeneral
I truly enjoy being a part of your team. ComplimentProfessional
I value and respect your opinion.AdviceGeneral
I value the insights and guidance you provide.AdviceGeneral
I very much appreciate your help.Help or SupportGeneral
I very much appreciate your support.Help or SupportGeneral
I want to express my gratitude for everything that you’ve helped me achieve here.Help or SupportProfessional
I wanted to express my personal gratitude for the effort and extra time you have contributed.TimeContributionGeneral
I wanted to take the time to thank you.TimeGeneral
I wanted to thank you as soon as possible.General
I would like to thank you and your staff for the opportunity to meet with you.Professional
It means the world to me.General
It was so nice to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out.ResponseGeneral
It was very thoughtful of you.ConsiderationGeneral
It’s a rare thing to find someone as generous and kind as you. Thank you.ComplimentGeneral
I’d be lost without you.General
I’m beyond gratefulGeneral
I’m eternally gratefulGeneral
I’m forever indebted.Help or Support ContributionGeneral
I’m so grateful for the housewarming gift you sent, our place is one step closer to feeling like home because of it.GiftFriend General
I’m so thankful for everything you bring to the teamContributionProfessional
Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more, you did that. Thank you for being so amazing!LovePartner Friend
Many thanks for giving me this opportunity.OpportunityGeneral
Many thanks for the opportunity to meet with you.Time ConsiderationProfessional
Many thanks for your assistance.Help or SupportGeneral
Many thanks for your time.TimeGeneral
My sincere appreciation.General
My sincere gratitude.General
My sincere thanks.General
My stomach (and I) want to thank you for that delicious meal.MealGeneral
My thanks and appreciation.General
Please accept my deepest gratitude.General
Please accept my deepest thanks.General
Thank you for accepting my connection request.OpportunityProfessional
Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job search. Time Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for all the help!Help or Support
Thank you for always going above and beyond to ensure the success of a project.ContributionProfessional
Thank you for always going above and beyond.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for always stepping in to help when I need you most.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for being my superhero!Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for being such a great leader. The other team members and I are really inspired by your actions.ComplimentProfessional
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and others around you.ComplimentGeneral
Thank you for coming to my birthday party, it was more special getting to celebrate with you.EventFriend
Thank you for connecting with me. It’s an honor!OpportunityProfessional
Thank you for considering my request.ConsiderationProfessional
Thank you for entrusting me with this project.Professional
Thank you for everything you do.General
Thank you for having confidence in my abilities. ReferralGeneral
Thank you for helping me through that difficult time. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I have two for you.Help or SupportFriend
Thank you for helping me with this project.Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for hosting my event, my day just wouldn’t have been the same without you!EventGeneral
Thank you for leading by example.General
Thank you for making this such an awesome place to work every day!ComplimentProfessional
Thank you for providing me with advice.AdviceGeneral
Thank you for putting a roof over my head this weekend, it was so kind to invite me into your home.Help or SupportFriendGeneral
Thank you for referring [individual name] to me for [services provided].ReferralProfessional
Thank you for referring me for the job at [company name].ReferralProfessional
Thank you for referring us to [company name].ReferralGeneral
Thank you for sharing your expertise.LoveGeneral
Thank you for sharing your home with me, I had such a great time catching up.Time Help or SupportFriend
Thank you for sharing your honest feedback about the project.FeedbackProfessional
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I value your honesty and will respond as quickly as possible.FeedbackProfessional
Thank you for speaking with me. Your insights were truly helpful.AdviceGeneral
Thank you for speaking with me about the [job title] position at [company name].TimeConsiderationProfessional
Thank you for spending time with me.TimeGeneral
Thank you for such a wonderful contribution.ContributionGeneral
Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter what. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.LovePartner
Thank you for taking the time to explain this.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking the time to help me, it really meant a lot.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking the time to provide me with a reference.TimeProfessional
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I very much appreciate the time you spent discussing career options with me.TimeProfessional
Thank you for taking the time.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking the trouble to help me.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking time from your schedule to talk to me.TimeGeneral
Thank you for the assistance you have provided me with during my job search.Time Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for the beautiful blouse, I can’t wait to wear it this weekend.GiftGeneral
Thank you for the courtesy you extended to me during my interview.ConsiderationProfessional
Thank you for the gift card, it will help me get everything I need for my upcoming move.GiftGeneral
Thank you for the opportunity to work here. I will do my very best to exceed your expectations of my abilities.OpportunityProfessional
Thank you for the raving letter of recommendation, I can’t wait to start my new job.ReferralProfessional
Thank you for thinking of me.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your assistance.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your confidence and support.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your consideration and forthcoming response.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your consideration.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your email, it was really appreciated.ResponseGeneral
Thank you for your encouragement.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your guidance.AdviceGeneral
Thank you for your help. I’m thrilled to have you on our team.Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for your support.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your time today.TimeGeneral
Thank you for your time. TimeGeneral
Thank you for showing what it means to be part of a team.ContributionProfessional
Thank you so much for meeting with me yesterday regarding the project I’m working on.Time Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you so much for putting me in touch with [individual name] at [company name].ReferralGeneral
Thank you so much for the help. Please let me know if I can return the favor.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you so much.General
Thank you so much; I really appreciate it!General
Thank you so very much for referring me for the [job title] position at [company name]. ReferralProfessional
Thank you very much for recommending me for the position.ReferralProfessional
Thank you very much for your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
Thank you very much.General
Thanks a lot for your help – I couldn’t have done it without you!General
Thanks again for meeting with me today.TimeProfessional
Thanks again, we couldn’t have pulled this off without youContributionProfessional
Thanks for your attention on the matter.Help or SupportProfessional
Thanks very much for the assistance you provide my business. I sincerely appreciate it.Help or SupportProfessional
That’s very kind of you.ComplimentGeneral
The coffee mug you sent is so me. Thank you for making my mornings brighter.GiftGeneral
The new picture frame will look perfect in my college dorm room. Thank you!GiftGeneral
This is exactly what I’ve been wanting. Thank you so much for getting it for me.GiftGeneral
We are grateful for your dedication to the team and company.ContributionProfessional
What you did for me was kind of a big deal. Thank you.General
When I think about things I’m grateful for, you are always on the list.General
Where would I be without a friend like you?Friend
Words can’t describe how thankful I am.General
Words can’t even express my thanks, but I hope this gift will help show you how grateful I am for a friend like you.With a GiftFriend
You are a ray of sunshine to me and everyone else around. Thank you for brightening my day!ComplimentGeneral
You are always so helpful.Compliment Help or SupportGeneral
You are my angel, thank you for your kindness and compassion.Compliment Help or SupportPartner Friend
You are the best.ComplimentGeneral
You have been most helpful.Compliment Help or SupportGeneral
You have my gratitude.General
You know all my secrets and weird quirks, yet you’re still my bestie. Thank you.Partner Friend
You made me feel so at home that I forgot I wasn’t! Thank you for having me.MealTimeFriend
You make my heart smile.Compliment LovePartner Friend
Your kind words warmed my heart.AdviceGeneral
You’re a peach! Thanks for your help.ComplimentGeneral
You’re my partner in crime; thanks for always supporting my crazy ideas!Help or SupportPartner Friend
You’re the sweetest! Thank you for everything you do!ComplimentGeneral

How to thank someone for a service or kindness


Start Here

  • Start with

Talking Points

A Big Freaking List of “Thank You”s
Do you have to train to be so amazing? Because you are definitely the best friend anyone could ask for!Compliment QuirkyFriend
Have a drink on me.QuirkyGeneral
How did I get so lucky? I’m so grateful you choose to be with me.LovePartner
How did you become so wise? Thanks again for all of your advice.AdviceProfessional General
I already made dinner tonight, thank you for being so wonderful.LovePartner
I am grateful for your help.Help or SupportGeneral
I am grateful for your support.Help or SupportGeneral
I am so thankful for what you did.Help or SupportGeneral
I am so very grateful for your time.TimeProfessional
I am so very thankful for your time.TimeProfessional
I am very grateful for your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the [job title] position at [company name]. Time ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.AdviceProfessional
I appreciate the time you and the [company name] team spent interviewing me.Time ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate what you did.General
I appreciate you considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you.Consideration TimeProfessional
I appreciate you.General
I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate your dedication.Work/EffortGeneral
I appreciate your guidance.AdviceProfessional General
I appreciate your hard work and want you to know it doesn’t go unnoticed.Work/EffortProfessional
I appreciate your help. Help or SupportGeneral
I appreciate your taking the time to write a reference for me.ReferralTimeProfessional
I appreciate your taking the time.TimeProfessional
I appreciate your thoughtfulness, you’ve made my day!General
I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.TimeConsiderationProfessional
I appreciate your time.TimeProfessional
I can’t even begin to explain how much your help meant to me.Help or SupportGeneral
I don’t say it enough, but I just wanted to say thank you for always having my back.Help or SupportFriend Professional
I enjoyed speaking with you about the opportunity to work with your company.Consideration TimeProfessional
I greatly appreciate the time you took to interview me.TimeConsiderationProfessional
I greatly appreciate your help.
I have a big bear hug waiting for you the next time I see you!LovePartner Friend
I just want to say thanks for helping me with my project.General
I just wanted to write to say thanks a bunch for the gift!GiftGeneral
I know you spent a lot of time picking out the perfect gift for me and I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful friend in my life.TimeConsiderationGiftFriend
I owe you one.QuirkyGeneral
I really appreciate the effort you have contributed to your team’s project. ContributionProfessional
I really appreciate the reference you gave to [company name] on my behalf.ReferralProfessional
I really appreciate your flexibility and willingness to work with me on this.Help or SupportGeneral
I really appreciate your help. Thank you.Help or SupportGeneral
I sincerely appreciate the assistance.Help or SupportGeneral
I sincerely appreciate the time you took to interview me.TimeProfessional
I sincerely appreciate this.
I sincerely appreciate your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
I sincerely appreciate your flexibility and willingness to help.Help or SupportGeneral
I sincerely appreciate ….General
I sincerely enjoyed meeting with you to discuss the [job title] opening.TimeConsiderationProfessional
I truly appreciate the confidence you showed in me.Help or SupportGeneral
I truly enjoy being a part of your team. ComplimentProfessional
I value and respect your opinion.AdviceGeneral
I value the insights and guidance you provide.AdviceGeneral
I very much appreciate your help.Help or SupportGeneral
I very much appreciate your support.Help or SupportGeneral
I want to express my gratitude for everything that you’ve helped me achieve here.Help or SupportProfessional
I wanted to express my personal gratitude for the effort and extra time you have contributed.TimeContributionGeneral
I wanted to take the time to thank you.TimeGeneral
I wanted to thank you as soon as possible.General
I would like to thank you and your staff for the opportunity to meet with you.Professional
It means the world to me.General
It was so nice to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out.ResponseGeneral
It was very thoughtful of you.ConsiderationGeneral
It’s a rare thing to find someone as generous and kind as you. Thank you.ComplimentGeneral
I’d be lost without you.General
I’m beyond gratefulGeneral
I’m eternally gratefulGeneral
I’m forever indebted.Help or SupportContributionGeneral
I’m so grateful for the housewarming gift you sent, our place is one step closer to feeling like home because of it.GiftFriend General
I’m so thankful for everything you bring to the teamContributionProfessional
Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more, you did that. Thank you for being so amazing!LovePartnerFriend
Many thanks for giving me this opportunity.OpportunityGeneral
Many thanks for the opportunity to meet with you.Time ConsiderationProfessional
Many thanks for your assistance.Help or SupportGeneral
Many thanks for your time.TimeGeneral
My sincere appreciation.General
My sincere gratitude.General
My sincere thanks.General
My stomach (and I) want to thank you for that delicious meal.MealGeneral
My thanks and appreciation.General
Please accept my deepest gratitude.General
Please accept my deepest thanks.General
Thank you for accepting my connection request.OpportunityProfessional
Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job search. Time Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for all the help!Help or Support
Thank you for always going above and beyond to ensure the success of a project.ContributionProfessional
Thank you for always going above and beyond.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for always stepping in to help when I need you most.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for being my superhero!Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for being such a great leader. The other team members and I are really inspired by your actions.ComplimentProfessional
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and others around you.ComplimentGeneral
Thank you for coming to my birthday party, it was more special getting to celebrate with you.EventFriend
Thank you for connecting with me. It’s an honor!OpportunityProfessional
Thank you for considering my request.ConsiderationProfessional
Thank you for entrusting me with this project.Professional
Thank you for everything you do.General
Thank you for having confidence in my abilities. ReferralGeneral
Thank you for helping me through that difficult time. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I have two for you.Help or SupportFriend
Thank you for helping me with this project.Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for hosting my event, my day just wouldn’t have been the same without you!EventGeneral
Thank you for leading by example.General
Thank you for making this such an awesome place to work every day!ComplimentProfessional
Thank you for providing me with advice.AdviceGeneral
Thank you for putting a roof over my head this weekend, it was so kind to invite me into your home.Help or SupportFriendGeneral
Thank you for referring [individual name] to me for [services provided].ReferralProfessional
Thank you for referring me for the job at [company name].ReferralProfessional
Thank you for referring us to [company name].ReferralGeneral
Thank you for sharing your expertise.LoveGeneral
Thank you for sharing your home with me, I had such a great time catching up.Time Help or SupportFriend
Thank you for sharing your honest feedback about the project.FeedbackProfessional
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I value your honesty and will respond as quickly as possible.FeedbackProfessional
Thank you for speaking with me. Your insights were truly helpful.AdviceGeneral
Thank you for speaking with me about the [job title] position at [company name].Time ConsiderationProfessional
Thank you for spending time with me.TimeGeneral
Thank you for such a wonderful contribution.ContributionGeneral
Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter what. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.LovePartner
Thank you for taking the time to explain this.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking the time to help me, it really meant a lot.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking the time to provide me with a reference.TimeProfessional
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I very much appreciate the time you spent discussing career options with me.TimeProfessional
Thank you for taking the time.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking the trouble to help me.TimeGeneral
Thank you for taking time from your schedule to talk to me.TimeGeneral
Thank you for the assistance you have provided me with during my job search.Time Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for the beautiful blouse, I can’t wait to wear it this weekend.GiftGeneral
Thank you for the courtesy you extended to me during my interview.ConsiderationProfessional
Thank you for the gift card, it will help me get everything I need for my upcoming move.GiftGeneral
Thank you for the opportunity to work here. I will do my very best to exceed your expectations of my abilities.OpportunityProfessional
Thank you for the raving letter of recommendation, I can’t wait to start my new job.ReferralProfessional
Thank you for thinking of me.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your assistance.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your confidence and support.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your consideration and forthcoming response.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your consideration.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your email, it was really appreciated.ResponseGeneral
Thank you for your encouragement.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your guidance.AdviceGeneral
Thank you for your help. I’m thrilled to have you on our team.Help or SupportProfessional
Thank you for your support.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.ConsiderationGeneral
Thank you for your time today.TimeGeneral
Thank you for your time. TimeGeneral
Thank you for showing what it means to be part of a team.ContributionProfessional
Thank you so much for meeting with me yesterday regarding the project I’m working on.TimeHelp or SupportProfessional
Thank you so much for putting me in touch with [individual name] at [company name].ReferralGeneral
Thank you so much for the help. Please let me know if I can return the favor.Help or SupportGeneral
Thank you so much.General
Thank you so much; I really appreciate it!General
Thank you so very much for referring me for the [job title] position at [company name]. ReferralProfessional
Thank you very much for recommending me for the position.ReferralProfessional
Thank you very much for your consideration.ConsiderationProfessional
Thank you very much.General
Thanks a lot for your help – I couldn’t have done it without you!General
Thanks again for meeting with me today.TimeProfessional
Thanks again, we couldn’t have pulled this off without youContributionProfessional
Thanks for your attention on the matter.Help or SupportProfessional
Thanks very much for the assistance you provide my business. I sincerely appreciate it.Help or SupportProfessional
That’s very kind of you.ComplimentGeneral
The coffee mug you sent is so me. Thank you for making my mornings brighter.GiftGeneral
The new picture frame will look perfect in my college dorm room. Thank you!GiftGeneral
This is exactly what I’ve been wanting. Thank you so much for getting it for me.GiftGeneral
We are grateful for your dedication to the team and company.ContributionProfessional
What you did for me was kind of a big deal. Thank you.General
When I think about things I’m grateful for, you are always on the list.General
Where would I be without a friend like you?Friend
Words can’t describe how thankful I am.General
Words can’t even express my thanks, but I hope this gift will help show you how grateful I am for a friend like you.With a GiftFriend
You are a ray of sunshine to me and everyone else around. Thank you for brightening my day!ComplimentGeneral
You are always so helpful.ComplimentHelp or SupportGeneral
You are my angel, thank you for your kindness and compassion.ComplimentHelp or SupportPartnerFriend
You are the best.ComplimentGeneral
You have been most helpful.ComplimentHelp or SupportGeneral
You have my gratitude.General
You know all my secrets and weird quirks, yet you’re still my bestie. Thank you.PartnerFriend
You made me feel so at home that I forgot I wasn’t! Thank you for having me.MealTimeFriend
You make my heart smile.ComplimentLovePartner Friend
Your kind words warmed my heart.AdviceGeneral
You’re a peach! Thanks for your help.ComplimentGeneral
You’re my partner in crime; thanks for always supporting my crazy ideas!Help or SupportPartner Friend
You’re the sweetest! Thank you for everything you do!ComplimentGeneral

How to thank someone for a recommendation


Always be sure to thank someone if they give you a recommendation. It’s an extremely lovely thing to do as they are putting their name and personal brand on the line for your benefit. All the risk is theirs, and all the benefit is yours. If you have any “home training” at all, you’ll remember to show your appreciation.

See also

  • How to give a recommendation
  • 🙏 How to thank someone

Talking Points

  • Hi <Name>, I wanted to thank you for the lovely recommendation you gave me. I’m so grateful for the time and thought you put into it, and I was humbled by your kind words.
  • I am proud to have your friendship and am thankful for your help.
  • I sincerely appreciate the letter of recommendation you wrote to <organization>. I learned a great deal from you that will apply to this role. Should I be accepted, I can approach this opportunity fully confident of success.